
Wednesday 15 April 2020

What I leared in the holidays!

HI bloggers during the lock down I have been learning a new song with my dad we learn't Faded.
I only learned the 3 verse but I will keep on going and hopfully when the lockdown is over I can play the whole song. I almost fogot I learnt it with my ukelele here is a short clip.
also if you want to know how to play click on this link Fadded Uklele tabs
And click here to see me! Fadded by Me

I if thought that I have a sheet in front of me you were wrong because I remembered it of by heart.
I cant wait untill I learn the next verse.
Also to the years sixes in rimu if you are good at singing and know or want to learn fadded you can practice it now and when lockdown is over tell me in class if you want to just tell me and I see if you are good at singing fadded.

Do you know how to play the ukelele?
( for Rimu year 6's only) are you good at singing?
Do you like Fadded?

Comment down below if you do.

and just again ( for Rimu year 6's only) comment down below if you are good at singing Fadded



  1. Hi Alvin

    That's so cool that you are learning a new song on your ukulele. Faded has a nice tune doesn't it?

    I was looking forward to seeing / hearing you play but for some reason the link isn't working? Perhaps you could look into that for later. I'm sure other people will be keen to see you too.

    I'll come back and check again later. Do you sing along with your strumming? Cool post!

    Ka kite
    Miss Rennell

  2. Hello Alvin,
    Its me Alan. Great blog post. I really liked that you learnt to play faded in ukulele. But like Miss Rennell said the link is not working so can you check on that? Anyway if you want to make the blog post better there are some punctuations in this blog that need correcting. Can you please check on that too ?
    Kind regards

  3. Check it out now does it work?

  4. I'm back! Alvin, your video is working and it is great- well done!

    I still think you should try sing along at the same time ;)

    Miss Rennell

  5. Hi Alvin

    How wonderful to see you improving your musical skills. I love the fact that you are learning the ukulele. I always have trouble spelling ukulele.

    I loved watching your video. Do you think you will be able to smile a little more in your next performance.

    Hopefully we will be able to play a duet when we are back at school.

    Kind regards
    Mr R


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.

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